
Unexpectedly Exam is almost COME !?

Walao.. hmmm... really not believe that Ballet EXAM is coming!?
Huh!? SEI!! Y?
Cause v still hv 2 character dance not yet learn.
Really not yet learn,1 step also no..
How to sit for the exam oh?

* Pengsan * oh kali ini... SEI

When is the exam ?

1.Date : April 3rd 2010
2.Place : Maria school of dancing
3.Time : 355p.m [ 45 min before must reach there ]
4.Subject : Grade 8 Award

DO i need to be happy ?
Cause i'm finally having it waiting for 13 years ?
wait this day coming until my neck long like a Giraffe ...
But happy is happy ; now worry about the dance..
Two dance..
Actually character dance got 2 but teacher said v 4 person choose the first 1..
[ Mazurka de salon ]
another 1 is [ Dance Russe ]..

Dance Russe is abit need more longer time to learn it cause eu noe ler,now no more time let us learn this dance and this dance is abit boring.. Zzz ... Will feel a person sleepy..
Luckily v no more time if not ? Hehe~ U also noe the end de ler~

My Grade 8 Award

1) Entree Polonaise [ for starting ]

2)Etude Lyrique [ one by one *solo ]

3)Demi-Caractere [ i'm select this *solo ]

4)Movement Libre Dramatique [ I'm select this as my scarft dance *solo ]

5)Mazurka de Salon [ For of us also select this cause no choice *solo ]

6)Finale Polonaise & Reverence [ for ending ]

Finally, haiz... The day is coming,Coming,COMING~~ My god,prey for me ~
